Saturday, November 24, 2012

WBWC Now Offering Massage and Acupuncture

Come relax and renew your spirit!

Nicole Splenda RN, LMBT and Kim Calandra L.AC
    Massage is a wonderful way to ease the discomforts of pregnancy. It has been used for centuries to improve overall health, reduce stress, and relieve muscle tension. Studies indicate that massage therapy performed during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health.
    Nicole Splenda RN, LMBT specializes in pre- and postnatal massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and labor stimulation massage.  She loves to work on pregnant women, but is also happy to work on non-pregnant family members.
    Kim Calandra L.AC is our new acupuncturist. Acupuncture is a holistic health care system that can treat many conditions, including gynecologic and intra-partum (such as breech presentation, morning sickness, and other common pregnancy related conditions). During your postpartum period, acupuncture can be helpful for depression, mastitis, insufficient or excessive lactation.  Acupuncture is also a great tool for induction of labor.
Gift Certificates Available
at the boutique or call:
 Nicole 919-699-0980 or Kim 919-971-3934


  1. Acupressure has its own rules of practice and contraindications and can be very powerful when properly applied. But the question being explored here is whether massage can stimulate these contraindicated acupoints, resulting in serious consequences
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  2. Acupuncture can heal or be an instrument in healing so many illnesses. I would recommend everyone, especially the skeptics, to give it a try.Alternative medicine la jolla

  3. Acupuncturists claim to be able to treat a whole range of ailments by strategically inserting needles into various acupoints along the body’s meridian lines in order to control the flow of an invisible life energy known as ch’i and thus balance the body’s mystical yin and yang.
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  4. Acupuncture is considered to be one of the effective methods of body detox in terms of enhancing the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids. This plays a big role in transporting the toxins and wastes away from the body.
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