Monday, March 18, 2013

Spotlight: Lorraine Reilly, RN, IBCLC

    We’re pleased to welcome Lorraine Reilly, RN, IBCLC to WBWC's full-time staff!  You may have met Lorraine when she worked as a nurse at the birth center part-time from 2008-2010.  Now she will be coordinating Group Prenatal Care, doing home visits, and assisting with lactation in addition to providing labor and delivery and postpartum nursing care.
     Lorraine has been a nurse for eight years.  She attended nursing school at Salisbury University in Maryland. She began her career at Duke Hospital on the pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant unit.  After taking some time off to stay at home with her children, she returned to nursing in 2008 as a labor and delivery nurse at WBWC.  She began working full-time at UNC Hospital in labor and delivery and postpartum in 2009. 
     She’s drawn to the birth center because of her own philosophy about birth. “I love the birth center because it honors birth as a natural and sacred process.  It aims to empower women through birth,” says Lorraine.  Lorraine is committed to holistic care: in addition to supporting women in labor, she’s a certified lactation consultant, prenatal yoga instructor, and Reiki practitioner.  She also plans to continue her studies in midwifery in the future. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her 3 children, practicing yoga, and singing.


  1. Yay! Lorraine was my L&D nurse at UNC when I had to be induced in January. It was like having 2 midwives, Lorraine AND Emily. She ROCKS! Thanks for the grape popsicles, Lorraine -- truly the highlight of my experience (excepting Baby Katie, of course :-))

  2. Welcome, Lorraine! So fun to see you again and that you'll be at WBWC. Great for them and for families too.

