Sunday, April 28, 2013

“Graduates” from WBWC are invited to participate in our New Parent Education Program

     As you know, WBWC is committed to a providing safe and informed birth, as well as preparing young families for the adventure (and challenges) of being a new parent!  To enhance the services we now offer, we have collaborated with Jan Tedder, a nurse practitioner and lactation consultant at UNC Family Medicine Center, to bring us her HUG Your Baby program.  This award-winning program, used in over 100 countries around the world, helps parents understand their baby and prevent and solve problems around a baby’s breastfeeding, sleeping, crying and attachment. (For more information about HUG Your Baby, CLICK HERE.)

In order to provide effective parent education materials, we need to know more about your experiences and needs as new parents.

If you have been a patient at the WBWC and delivered between 9/1/2012 and 3/1/2013 (or there abouts), please CLICK HERE to complete a 10-minute online questionnaire.

As a “Thank You,” we will send you at no cost The Growing Child E-Newsletter (value: $30).  This nationally acclaimed, monthly e-newsletter helps parents understand the normal growth and development of their child (from birth to age five).  Based on the specific age of your child, you receive tips for handling common parenting challenges, games that enhance baby’s learning, and a description of expected changes in the lives of new parents.

Thank you for sharing your feedback so that we can continue to improve the support we offer young families!

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