Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Share Your Birth Story!

by Casey Bradburn

Prior to becoming pregnant and recently having my first baby, I didn’t exactly have an interest in natural births, breastfeeding, etc. I had been moving more towards a natural lifestyle, but for a large part of my adult life I didn’t know if I even wanted to have children, so the subject certainly wasn’t a passion, or even one I knew much about. My husband Cole, on the other hand, has seemed to have more knowledge of and a passion for it for years. He is a chiropractor, so living a healthy and natural lifestyle is an essential piece of his work, but some of his passions weren’t ones that I shared. A few years ago I recall seeing him post articles and comments on his websites and Facebook pages about benefits of breastfeeding, birth procedures, etc. and I thought it was weird. I now feel like I finally understand the importance of getting the message and education out there and more well-known.

After we had our son at the birth center in June 2012, Cole went back to work to a ton of people and patients asking him questions and for more information about having a natural birth. There was evidently some concern and probably some misconceptions about choosing that path. He could give some information and his viewpoint on the subject, but ultimately thought it would be great to gather mothers’ natural birth stories and  compile them into a free online book. That way it could be an inclusive resource for anyone interested in hearing the story straight from the mother, rather than from an onlooker.

          He already has a good start, but is still looking for more birth stories. If any mamas out there would like to share theirs and have them included, please send them to Thank you!

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