Monday, December 19, 2011

Birthing a New Birth Center

      You may not be seeing as much of Maureen Darcey, CNM around the birth rooms in 2012, but that doesn’t mean she’s not as busy as ever!  Starting in January, Maureen is going to be shifting her role at WBWC to help adjust to the changing needs of our growing birth center.  She’ll still be catching the occasional baby as back-up midwife during weekday business hours.  However, her new duties will be primarily administrative.  Additionally, she’s ready to focus her full attention on her long-standing goal: building a new birth center.  “My new job will be birthing the new birth center,” says Maureen. 
  This is no small task, and would be impossible while also continuing the 24-hour on-call shifts that our midwives work.  As you may know, the search for land on which to build the new facility is underway.  There’s still an enormous amount of work to be done in the way of fundraising, planning, and logistics over the next several years.  With her years of experience and her passionate vision for the birth center model of care, Maureen hopes to guide WBWC through this transition period into an even stronger future.   


  1. Is the focus on Chapel Hill or are other communities in the running ?

  2. We're going to stay in Chapel Hill and remain close to UNC Hospital - we're looking to own a facility dedicated to just the Birth Center instead of leasing space.

  3. Let me know if there are any grants you all might qualify for, I'd love to help with it, my Husband is a successful grant writer!
